Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII Cheats

Have you played Final Fantasy 13? Is it hard? Then, here are some of the tips that you can try to beat the game. 
Hint: Snow's "Perfect Defense" state

With an advanced party, it is possible for Snow to enter a "perfect defense" state. Equip him with his Winged Saint weapon or save the queen upgrade (for the improved Guard II ability); your three active party members must have reached Role level 5 as Sentinels. Paradigm Shift to Tortoise (SEN + SEN + SEN), and have snow perform Steelguard or Mediguard. Any attack aimed at him during that time will inflict only 1% damage or less.

Hint: Last Second Menu

At the last second before a cut scene ends (and leads into a boss battle), press the MENU BUTTON and you'll be sent to the Menu Screen. (This is useful if you forgot to change weapons, switch paradigms, etc.).

Hint: Upgrading Tips
Study Bones / Ooze / Tail are the three 80gil items which take 36 to equal a 3x multiplier. So, 2880 gil gets you 3x. If you're a Gil pincher - save money and wait until you can upgrade an item to max level in one shot - save the investment to a one time shot at multiplier. Furthermore, you won't need to level up any weapons until you're at a point you should be able to afford the expense.

If you would rather just play and level up - do that - don't worry about the gil it costs you - just have fun and be happy.

While Fluids and Oils may give more EXP, they're a waste since the inorganic items are so much better - you are better off getting to 3x as soon as possible, and then switching to inorganic.

For farmable scenes (like chapter 11) - nothing beats the bomb parts. I had nearly a two full stacks of bomb things from Marks and used them to level up most of the accessories required so I could unlock 'em all for the treasure hunter achievement/trophy.

Hint: CP Farming in Chapter 11

There are two good places to level up your Crystarium when you come into the Archelyte Steppe in the beginning of Ch. 11. The first one can be found in the Southwest Corner of the main map, the Western Benchland. South of the pond, there is a peninsula where little birdlike characters mass around. At first this seems like an intimidating battle, considering that the enemies will summon characters making the battles very long. However, this can be remedied, if you have 3 of the following four characters: Lightning, Fang, Snow, and Sazh. You'll only really need the following paradigms: Commando x3 / Commando x2+Ravager / Commando x2+Medic / Sentinel+Commando+Medic / Sentinel+Medicx2. Set the base mode on Commando x3 and go into battle. 

If you're able to get behind them it makes the battles all that much easier. Once you get the hang of things, you'll learn their pattern and be able to get them more often than not in a surprise attack. Have your leader, whomever you choose to have it attack with Ruinaga, followed by blitz. The Ruinaga will toss them into the air a tiny bit and hit multiple targets in a wide radius. The blitz should hit the same amount of people. Your support characters should attack with Blitz, Blitz, and then standard attack. The Ruinaga spell is important because it keeps the baddies from being able to mass a constant attack on you as well as keeping them unable to summon whoever they are going to bring into the battle. CP ranges from 2000 to 3500 for your 35-45 seconds of effort. If you're having a hard time, try Commando x2 + Ravager, and you may be able to juggle them a little, but the commandos really shred HP in this fight. 

The second method should be undertaken when you've gotten more HP and strength, since the fights will be harder. North of the first point, there is a place where the big wolf and a behemoth are fighting. Hit them. Concentrate first on the Behemoth and take him out. Don't kill the wolf, since he's your buffer from being behemoth's lunch. Take them out, 6000+CP. Then turn around, jump down to the west and take out the 3 groups of wolfs for 2000-3000 CP. Repeat this and you'll have tons of CP in no time. 

Easter Egg: Hoppin' Mad

Whenever you have control of your character outside of battle, move the analog stick left and right quickly. Do this enough (6 or so times) and your character will come to an abrupt stop and emote -- expressing anger or fatigue. 

Hint: CP Farming in Chapters 8 and 9

Here are a couple really solid CP grinding areas in Chapters 8 and 9. 

The first spot is right after the attack on Hope's home in Parumpolum in Chapter 8. There are two sets of soldiers who will keep respawning inside the house endlessly. All you have to do is run down the halls a bit and they come right back and they will be there again. Defeating them yields a good amount of CP, and they drop incentive chips which you can sell for 2,500 and buy upgrade parts for your weapons.

I maxed out all my players and upgraded Lightning's weapon from level 16-22 in only 40 minutes of fighting.

The second spot when you're going to rescue Sazh and Vanille in Chapter 9. After you finish the outside fighting portion on the flagship you head inside; in there you get a "green alert" warning the enemy to your presence. Instead of proceeding further, go back outside and you will see that the enemies have respawned.

In fact, just right outside the door you will get into a battle with five enemies which nets you over 700 CP each time as well as dropping Silicon Oil plus incentive and credit chips. After each fight, head back inside around two corners to respawn the enemy. Do this as many times as you want and head inside to the save point to sell the chips and upgrade your weapons and you'll get everyone to level 3 of all their roles in no time. 

I prefer these two places because of the incentive chips.

Hint: CP Farming in Chapter 8

Right at the clocktower in the park, you'll find a chest with five of those little robots running around it. You can beat them up for 640 cp and loop back to the prior chest area (with one of the monsters) and the group of five will respawn.

Hint: Super Weapon Exploit

Each character has one super weapon that can be obtained by fully upgrading one of his/her stock weapons.

Each player has seven stock weapons but the final result after maximum upgrades yields the same super weapon.

Upgrading is done through the shop at save points. There are two parts to upgrading:
(1) Spamming items which give a low amount of EXP to increase multipliers, and (2) Using items which give a lot of EXP, and that now give even more EXP due to your multiplier, to upgrade your weapon substantially.

An efficient way to build the multiplier is to go to the Creature Comforts store and buy Vibrant Ooze. Apply 36 of those to your weapon and you will have a 3x multiplier. Then you can apply Perfect Conductor for 2577 EXP.

Unlockable: Dashboard Themes

Win the Trophies below to unlock dashboard themes.
  • Fang - Get the "Treasure Hunter (Gold)" Trophy / Held every weapon and accessory.
  • Hope - Get the "Instrument of Change (Gold)" Trophy / Witnessed the dawn of a new crystal legend.
  • Lightning - Get the "Superstar (Gold)" Trophy / Earned a 5-star ranking in the battle to determine the world's fate.
  • Sazh - Get the "Lore Master (Gold)" Trophy / Discerned the full attributes of 100 enemies.
  • Serah - Get the "Ultimate Hero (Platinum)" Trophy / acquired all trophies.
  • Snow - Get the "L'Cie Paragon (Gold)" Trophy / Earned a 5-star ranking for all Cie'th Stone missions
  • Vanille - Get the "Instrument of Faith (Silver)" Trophy / Defied destiny's charge and embarked on a different path.

Ways to sabotage your weight loss program 3

Other things that you need to stay aware:

Eat at buffets and fast food chains:

If you desire success in your weight loss program avoid eating fast food. Most selections are oversized, filled with ingredients that are unhealthy and loaded with sodium, (salt). In case you were not aware: salt retains water and water retention = weight gain. Another weight loss bomb is eating at all-you-can-eat-buffets. For one price, it is hard to turn down anything, including the desert table. 

+What you put into your body counts…make your choices healthy ones, even if eating out.

Hoard food in secret stashes:

For some people food is an addiction, or at the very least, a compulsion. And, just as an alcoholic may hide bottles of booze around the house as an emergency stash, so does a food junkie. Therefore, it is important to stop hoarding food and come clean with yourself. If you cannot cut your hoarding yourself then share this information with someone you feel confident will support your efforts in changing this habit. Keep the car clean of being a food hideaway. Empty the boxes, the bags, the nooks and crannies in attic, basement and garage and come clean.

You may need to join a 12 step program called ‘Overeaters Anonymous’. Or, you may want to read the book: Women, Food, and God by Geneen Roth. 

+Being honest about your desire to lose weight is the first step toward a healthy weight.

Eat Unaware:
The difference between success and failure is the amount of attention or awareness we have on our goal. Mindless eating: in the car, while driving; eating while talking on the phone; or, while watching television are all ways that, while engrossed in the other activity, we ‘forget’ that we have eaten. Don’t be distracted when you sit down to eat. Know what you are eating and enjoy yourself. 

+Tuning into your body and knowing what its needs are is the art of Mindful Eating.
Don’t count calories:
This is simple math-one loses weight if one creates a deficit between what their body needs to stay active and what it takes in. Part of the equation is to figure out your BMR-basal metabolic rate.

The calculation for that can be found online by asking for a BMR calculator.  The online formula will do all of the work as you plug in your individual statistics based on height, current weight, age and gender.  Knowing your BMR allows you to calculate how much food you need to maintain your current weight at that level of activity, vs. lose weight by dropping 500 calories / day. This will give you results that you will be proud of.

+Counting calories supports awareness and mindful eating. It is a matter of healthy choices.

Ways to sabotage your weight loss program 2

This is continued from the previous post.
Eat out often:

As tempting as this may be it is another guarantee for weight loss havoc.  If you are not the cook behind the meal how do you know which ingredients are going in to your meal, not to mention portion control?  Can you be certain you will have the will power to avoid the bread basket, as it is set on your table; the heavy sauces and gravies on your plate or the extras at the salad bar?  Can you pass up desert if everyone else at your table has ordered something?  And, how about the calories in the soft drink or alcoholic beverage one is tempted to order while ‘eating out’. 

+Don’t lose an opportunity to stay steadfast to your weight loss program by dining out regularly.

Don’t exercise:

It is a known fact that exercise burns calories and calories burned = weight loss.  Whatever you do, don’t believe the ads that encourage people to lose weight the ‘easy’ way.  It is a hook and will only allow you to continue believing, falsely that you don’t have to work hard to achieve your goals.  Sure, it may take awhile to get into the exercise regime, but claims of weight loss from pills, sweat belts, and other gimmicks are merely that: temporary gimmicks.

+Give yourself the credit for being able to achieve your goals through old fashioned exercise.

Use negative self talk to undermine your efforts.

There is nothing more sabotaging than being around a person who does not want to see someone succeed, EXCEPT when that someone happens to be your own self. If you fill your head with negative self talk such as, “you can’t… you won’t… you’re too ______ (fill in the blank here with your favorite derogatory words: stupid, lazy, fat, unmotivated, etc) then you are bound to fail. Stop the negative chatter when it begins and don’t allow it to occupy space in your head.

+Become your own advocate for your success. Be a friend, a coach, a cheerleader for YOU.

Ways to sabotage your weight loss program

Want to lose weight? Did your target ever achieved? Well, if not then you’re in luck. Here are a few tips on how to tackle those few pounds. This is not a magic trick or a short cut. If you want to lose weight then you must have discipline and determination in achieving your goal. If not, then don’t bother to read because this is not for you. But, if you ever wonder why you didn't manage to lose weight that this is for you. There are so many things that will sabotage your weight loss program but here is the most common one:

Don’t tell others about your goal:
When we keep our goals to ourselves it is a sure way to reduce the accountability of our actions. Anyone who has tried and failed at weight loss, or at any goal they’ve set, knows that reaching out to others, breaking the code of silence, and bringing in a support group will create a sense of responsibility to oneself and the person(s) that shares the ‘secret’. Remember: some secrets are worth sharing. 

+ Some popular weight loss support groups include: Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and Tops.

Grocery shop when you are hungry:
Studies have shown that the worse time to shop for groceries is when you have an empty stomach. Not only will you buy appealing, off limit items, such as gooey bakery items or bags of munchies, but you increase your chance to over buy.

+ If you want your body, and NOT your wallet to get thin, shop after a nutritious meal or snack.

Keep high calorie junk food in your house:
The selections you make at the supermarket can make all of the difference in a successful or self sabotaging weight loss program. Plan a menu for the week or month, list the ingredients needed for cooking and stick to it when you are in the store.

+If you don’t see it, you won’t eat it…so keep it in the store and out of your house.