Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ways to sabotage your weight loss program 2

This is continued from the previous post.
Eat out often:

As tempting as this may be it is another guarantee for weight loss havoc.  If you are not the cook behind the meal how do you know which ingredients are going in to your meal, not to mention portion control?  Can you be certain you will have the will power to avoid the bread basket, as it is set on your table; the heavy sauces and gravies on your plate or the extras at the salad bar?  Can you pass up desert if everyone else at your table has ordered something?  And, how about the calories in the soft drink or alcoholic beverage one is tempted to order while ‘eating out’. 

+Don’t lose an opportunity to stay steadfast to your weight loss program by dining out regularly.

Don’t exercise:

It is a known fact that exercise burns calories and calories burned = weight loss.  Whatever you do, don’t believe the ads that encourage people to lose weight the ‘easy’ way.  It is a hook and will only allow you to continue believing, falsely that you don’t have to work hard to achieve your goals.  Sure, it may take awhile to get into the exercise regime, but claims of weight loss from pills, sweat belts, and other gimmicks are merely that: temporary gimmicks.

+Give yourself the credit for being able to achieve your goals through old fashioned exercise.

Use negative self talk to undermine your efforts.

There is nothing more sabotaging than being around a person who does not want to see someone succeed, EXCEPT when that someone happens to be your own self. If you fill your head with negative self talk such as, “you can’t… you won’t… you’re too ______ (fill in the blank here with your favorite derogatory words: stupid, lazy, fat, unmotivated, etc) then you are bound to fail. Stop the negative chatter when it begins and don’t allow it to occupy space in your head.

+Become your own advocate for your success. Be a friend, a coach, a cheerleader for YOU.

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