Sunday, January 9, 2011

Are you fat yet?

Weight problem is already a global problem. Are you already fat or overweight? Maybe you think that you’re still looking good and everything but for how long. We’re getting old by days and statistic shows that they are more people getting fat every year. The problem cannot be ignored anymore. This kind of problem has been serious until reality show like ‘the biggest loser’ has been introduced to educated people about their health and lowering percentage of fat people. Other proves would be, books and ebook about fat losses has been sell throughout the world and it keep increases. So, let’s see the percentage first:

Weight Statistics;

1. Over 64 percent of US citizens are overweight
2. Over 48 percent of Europeans are overweight
3. 2 of 3 Chinese are expected to be overweight within twenty years.
4. Americans are considered to be obese are at a rate of 27%
5. At least 325,000 deaths per year are attributed to obesity.
6. Worldwide 750 million people are considered over weight.
7. Worldwide 300 million people are considered obese.
8. The weight loss market earns over 61 billion dollars per year.

There is many a health reason why you should get serious about losing weight.
If you suffer from any one of these conditions you have reason enough to be highly motivated to start eating healthy today.
Your body is not a trash can and now's the time to take out the trash in your life and get motivated!

Health Related Weight Lose Needs;

1. Obesity
2. Overweight
3. Various forms of cancer – concentrate on healthy nutrients!
4. Type 2 diabetes
5. Diabetes
6. Coronary heart disease
7. High blood pressure
8. Asthma

It’s no secret that your appearance plays a huge role in your success in all areas of life. There are areas of your appearance you may have conditioned yourself to overlook and yet you should know others see you in an honest light. 

The moral of this is you're really not helping yourself by shoving the facts from you mind. Do you suffer from any of the following:

The Look;
  • Man boobs
  • Stomach rolls
  • Can’t fit into lingerie
  • Double chin
  • Back fat
  • The cottage cheese affect
  • Big butt, if you have to ask...
  • Fat stomach, muffin top
  • Ankles to fat for sandals
  • Can’t wear a bathing suit, or won’t
  • Cellulite
  • Arm fat
  • Just want to look and feel better

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