Sunday, December 19, 2010

Stage 2 Breast Cancer

Stage 2

-       The tumor between 2 cm and 5 cm, with or without spread to the axillary lymph nodes (under the arm).
-       Clusters of cancer cells are found in axillary lymph nodes (under the arm)

-       Swelling of all or part of the breast, breast pain, a lump in the underarm area.

-       Mammograms, self-breast examinations, clinical breast examinations, chest x-ray.

Treatment options
-       Radical mastectomy with or without radiotherapy.
-       Lumpectomy + radiotherapy
-       Chemotherapy commonly recommended
-       Hormonal therapy (for people with hormone-receptor-positive cancer)
-       Targeted therapy (may be used for people with cancers that have certain characteristics; cancer with too many HER2 protein receptors).

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